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Foncebadón: we are high…

It was a wonderful ascending to a mountaintop. I thank Marcos for he orujos that we drank last night before going to bed. These herbs drinks are magic.

From Astorga to Rabanal the scene changed. It was more green and the vegetation had more volume. I was getting bored by the dried land before.

We stopped at El Ganso for breakfast, after St. Catalina de Somoza.

We were four of us, and the conversation was animated by sins and confessions. The Church history dominated the conversation, but her sins were juicy. I listened, agreed and defended.

Arriving to Foncebadón was a shock for Marcos who has been here 4 times. The village has changed from a traditional town with old homes and stones streets to a comercial center for peregrinos, and paved streets. There is a lot of new shelters now, and the old buildings have been repaired for businesses.

We had a great lunch at a local old medieval restaurant. It was delicious. The portions were so big that we did not have dinner.

I returned to 30 km/day walk. I have plenty days to reach Compostela, but the company is priceless. Therefore, I walk with a nice group of people. I may reach Santiago de Compostela before my plans, but I need to reach Fisterra and Fatima too. I may go all around the world and come back to Santiago for my birthday.