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It is all about St. Joseph Steeples

This morning I started the day at 5:30am. As I love the albergue, three goats greeted me. As I turned by the St. James’ Cross of the village, hundreds of bells stopped the silence of the village. I said OMG, is this poor village can pay for all these bells, can we reach our goal for our Save the Steeples Campaign? It was not until 500 meters in the wood when I recognized that it was a herd of Holy Cows in the forest. It was a great morning with many ups and downs trails, well that is life! After struggling going down in one of them, God sent me a reminder, what is difficult look ahead. A man from the village was running up the hill. He was in his 60s, and he made it looked that it was a piece of cake. You will not believe how may energy arose. I was fast in the walk, but careful with the rocks. Three more km, and the wetted-paths arrived. And let me add, full of cow manure. No place to go, just learn to go through @&$$!

Lunch came, and I shared my piece of cured ham with three ladies from France: Bridget, Pascuala, and Marina. It was delightful. My French as the first day, lol, but we communicated well. There were faster walkers. When I arrived to my new village, they were ready having a beer at the first bar.

Every thing is getting pricey. The Le Puy Rout is a turistic destination in south France. Families come together and walk a section, therefore they block all the hostels. The true walkers do not have a place to stay or they fill up early.

What about church? Do you think they have places for the “pelerins.” No way, they cleaned their hands like Pontius Pilate.

By now, I know you are curious of the spiritual aspect of this walk. I can tell you, it is very profound. So many questions, no answers. How don’t know how many rosaries I have said in the last three day, but I know I am one day ahead of my schedule.