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The Pyrenees…

It was very dark this morning. It was good, because I cannot see the challenges in front of me. The ascension from Honto is known to be the Spaniard test to the mountains. After 26 days walking in all kind of terrain in France, I was prepared.

Two Italians left the gite 5 minutes before me, I found them later arguing what path to take , when the road divided. I just let them know that I was going to the left, and kept walking. What if it was not, just start again! No judge yourself for the mistakes in life, there are just lessons. A kilometer up, I found myself in the same situation, left of right? I was so secured that I went back to the left. I kept going. I could not see the mountains.

Three kilometers later, a herd of cows was laid down in the middle of path. In Aubrac, France, I went up the hill around them. Today, I walked direct through them. Wow! That was so cool.

The sun started rising slowly. There were three young men sleeping by the road on their sleeping bags. I am sure there were like Kings.

As I was ascending the Pyrenees, five small trucks were going up very fast. Each one of them has a dog in the back. Later I discovered, they were the shepherds. It was a majestic show of shepherds and flocks running on the hills from all the directions over my head. On one point the sheep were so close to me. See pictures on Instagram: wherespadre.

And the light of God came, my eyes were in wonder to see the Pyrenees all its splendor. I had to cross them in ascending position. There was a point that I thought that my backpack gain 30 more pounds. I even felt that my pants where falling down. I stopped for a minute. I never took my backpack down. I just enjoyed the moment. A moment! It was to stay there for ever. Today in the feast of the Transfiguration in Spain. But as Jesús said to Peter, we need to go down, forget the three tents.

There were marks of WWII on the mountains. There were bunkers, and memorials. I knew I was in Spain, when I saw the Navarra’s land mark. Then, there are beautiful woods on the Spain side.

Now, there was a sense of holiness up there. I was walking alone. The strong winds hit me from the south. I loved it! It was like to be Moses and receiving the Ten Commandments. A great time for me to reflect on them. It was so powerful. God bless our Holy Father Francis, as he started revising the position of the Church on Death Penalty.

By crossing the Pyrenees, I only regret that it only took me 5 hours to cross over them. It should be longer.

Many people has died up there. Families and friends have put memorial. I pray on one of them, a young man from Brazil. The anniversary of his death was 3 days, five years ago.

Reaching the height point of the mountains is the beginning to start descending, but not as you ascend. It is a brutal descending. My both knees tested the pain. I just run down, best strategy against the pain.

The first gite communal in Spain is like a five stars hotel for Pelerins. When I arrived, it still closed. I sat on a bench, and eat my breakfast. An hour later there were opened. The stamped my credential, gave me a bed number, and a dinner ticket.

Cecile arrived, and called me at that time, and Clement was arriving by the back door. We three celebrated the achievement, and we went lunch together. It was the last good bye. Cecile will go to the Alpes to walk with her boyfriend, and Clement was going back to Geneva.

I went back to the gite at 2pm and get cleaned. After massaging my feet, I took a long nap. I went to dinner at 7pm with Mercedes, from France, Cristina, from Portugal, and Juan, the “pebe “ from Tucuman, Argentina. Cristina has been sick for three days, Fest problems.

I went to mass at 8pm. It was beautiful. Nine priests were at mass, and the church was full. They has a great liturgy in Spanish.

I have promised Cristina that I would stop by to see her after mass. I have good feet lotion that would help her feet.

Now, the plan is easy 33 more days of adventure to Compostela. I would take a break in between. I am walking to fast. Please remember the cause of this peregrination: St. Joseph Steeples.

I was thinking today, if all the people that follow me on the blog invite 10 friends home for coffe, tea, and beer. Please do not forget Fomage!!! And tell our need to save the Steeples to their friends. Maybe they can help us too.

I want to thanks all of you who write to me on the blog. I love to hear from you. I always respond. Please do not stop doing so. My respond is short, but from my heart.

